
So I've been thinking lately, and its occurred to me that I might be polyamorous but I'm confused. I've had crushes on multiple people at once and had crushes on people while dating (and being in love with) others. But I still get jealous when my SO goes after other people. I'm a straight female, and I don't like it when my boyfriend so much as hints to thinking they would date another girl. Granted, I'm very insecure so maybe it has something to do with that.
My current boyfriend is strictly monogamous and wants me to be as well, but I'm forming a crush on another guy. I'm deeply in love with my boyfriend, but I'm also extremely interested in this other guy who just so happens to reciprocate. This other guy knows I'm dating someone and isn't pushing anything. I want to see both of them because they're both amazing guys but I don't even know how to approach the topic of polyamory with my current boyfriend, much less admit that I may be polyamorous and have someone in mind.
I'm very confused and I'm not sure what to do. This other guy (new crush) is amazing and funny and sweet and we get along really well, we're good friends. Should I just wait my current relationship out? He's going to bootcamp at the end of the summer. Should I just see where things go and risk losing the affections of this other guy? Should I bring up the possibility of an open relationship? Maybe only open while my boyfriend is gone at bootcamp and training and a closed relationship while he's with me in person? I don't even know how to approach this subject. Help!