Hormonal imbalance

Skyy • TTC baby #1 👫👶🏽👪
I went to the ER after bleeding a full wk, negative preg test but symptoms like tender breasts/nausea/food cravings. Through out that wk, I'd have hot flashes, crying outburst, cramping/pelvic pain which I didn't think was normal for pregnancy. The doctor told me that I had a hormonal imbalance and my endometrial lining grew too thick and was bleeding. He also suspected that I didn't ovulate this cycle and that contributed. Previously I've had a ruptured cyst, inflamed cervix and really horrible cycles. The past few months my cycles have ranged from 26 days to 36 which is NOT normal for me. Then this month bleeding at day 19 and still going 😩😩 I'm only 25 with no children and desperately trying to conceive. Has this happened to anyone? Advice/suggestions are welcomed!!