Csection mamas who will be having 3rd +


For those of you who will be having their third csection or more, are you carrying higher with each pregnancy? Just trying to figure out if its just me, or if there's something linked to csections.

I'm going to have my third csection. It seems with each pregnancy after my first csection, I carry higher than the last. I'm only 17 weeks and my stomach is so high, I can't even lean forward while sitting already and have rib pain. I have to do the arch my back thing when sitting. When I feel my csection scars, they are still squishy and higher up my belly is hard. Does this make sense? My 1st 2 pregnancies, my belly grew low at first then high. This one its like the baby is up in my ribs already, although its probably my organs being pushed up.

Itl almost feel like the scar tissue prevents baby from hanging out so low? I know it fill fill out as baby grows.. Or my uterus is shaped different now after two csections?

I'd like to hear if any others experience this!