Feeling hopeless!!

I'm hopelessly in love I think. I haven't even told him yet. I'm already giving him my all and I don't want to tell him until I feel it's right. I miss him so bad when he's away and I don't like bugging him. We used to talk all day every day but since we've been together there's been a change in his career and I think overall motivation to message me. It sucks. I feel so insecure because last year I got dumped by a long time first boyfriend. I think it's messing with my perception of everything. I'm paranoid and sensitive. It doesn't help that I started birth control a month ago so now my emotions are even more heightened. I feel like a phsyco clingy girlfriend and I don't want to be that. I know that if I tell him I love him he will tell me back because he's already told me so many times, but I don't want to tell him just for that reason. Sigh...I never knew relationships could be so...trying. probably because I was in the same one for so long I didn't realize how much work we put in to get where we were. My lawd...so complicated. 😍😣😶