Pregnancy and The Struggle of Anxiety Disorder


My unborn baby and I are high risk due to my anxiety.

When I was 22 (now 26), I began having panic attacks. Sadly I've suffered with them ever since. At one point it was so bad I could no longer work or even leave the house. It took years of different medications and the right Doctor to finally get me stable and live a life worth living.

My boyfriend and I wanted/want to have a baby, after a year of trying it finally happened. I was on 4mg of xanax and cut myself down to 1mg but due to the stress, withdrawals, and horrible anxiety, I lost my first pregnancy.

I am now pregnant again, 7 weeks and 2 days. My anxiety is still bad so I have to take my xanax as needed (usually 2mg a day). I hate that I have to take it but my baby and I are at more risk without it.

I was wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this before? If you have is there anything you could share, experience, advice, anything at all?

*Please don't comment if you're just gonna tell me how bad xanax is for my baby and I, I already know this but I don't have a choice.

*And please nothing negative, that's not why I'm on this app. I'm here for support.

Thank you.