It's about my cat

Tahlia • 🌻Tahlia-Queensland Australia- 22☀️
Hi everyone, so I'm writing because I have a kitten who is one in December. She's my baby. She lives with me and my boyfriend in a small unit and she's only an inside cat, she tends to meow a lot for instance when me and my Partner go for a shower she will sit the and meow until we give her attention. Because of where we are at the moment we can't keep having her constantly meowing to get her own way and we can't just ignore her so she can learn to not always have the main focus because we can't keep having the noise! So my question is if I were to get her a friend do you think that she would stop being so load and constantly needing us? Or would it just be worse and I'd have to apply baby's :( ? Thanks in advamce