♦️!!!Help me !!!♦️

Omg! So yesterday I went boating with my family. We did tubbing then skido. From 11am-7pm and I got back home and everyone said I was really red like badly and I didn't really take it like omg but Anyways I look in the mirror and Oml! I am really burnt! So I took a shower and it hurt a lil not a lot just a lil and I have tan lines now ( I did put aloe) and this morning I woke up and it went down a bit but I'm starting to get little bumps on my face and it like hurts to move like squinch my face and on my back it hurts like crazy as well! What should I do ??!! What are these little bumps?? And why does it hurt !!?? Am I going to peel?? And what should I do if I peel??!! PLEASE HELP ME !!