Normal or labor signs?

Laura • January 2012 👰🏻 January 2013 👧🏼 being induced 7/19 2016 👶🏻
((I apologize, for I know 95% of us July mommies are posting these same questions))
I'm 35 weeks, have a super large baby in there (>97th%) and too much fluid (9 something?). Starting last night, I've experienced:
-dull back ache (more than normal)
-lower abdomen cramps that come and go
-increased pelvic pressure 
Drinking water, resting, stretching, walking... None of it makes it go away. 
I was induced with my first and had only back labor so if these were normal labor contractions (not saying they are), I'm not sure if I'd be able to tell 😳