Morning After Pill Nightmare!!!!

In the past 8 months aproximately I have taken 3 morning after pills. The first two times I had the normal side effects (strong cramps, annoying PMS, etc.). The last time I took it, about two months ago, I got my period right after even though I had it the week before. I didn't get my period for another month and a half and this messed up my body. I visited the doctor and he told me not to take it again. Now my PMS is intolerable. The mood swings are killing me. I am currently on my period again and I feel like the only word I can use to describe how I feel is depressed. I have lost my apetite and I find myself looking for things to do in order to distract myself, but nothing works. I just want to know if anyone has experienced anything similar months after taking the morning after pill or if I'm just actually really sad for some unknown reason.