Am I pregnant??


Me and my SO have been together almost 10 months. We have either used a condom or the withdraw method. About a week and a half ago we used the withdraw. When we were done and chilled out he told me he thinks he came in me a little but he's not sure. My period has always been early, and late once or twice, or it will double up in a month. I'm not on birth control either.

I'm starting to worry because I'm a week late. I've been having cramps, bloating that won't go away, and my back has been hurting quite a bit. I have also had nausea, but not too bad.

I'm 17 and I've already had one misscarage, and I'm also not ready for a kid. I'm just starting to worry.. Plus we both have had a few dreams since that night of me getting pregnant, and my mum and aunt have been talkin about grandkids for the past 3 days makin us worry more...