Is there any hope for me?

danirose. • emilia belle 02.08.16 evangeline lee 08.28.20
My LO is 4 months old. I wanted to EBF, but had to start supplementing with formula at 2 weeks old due to my baby not gaining weight. My supply got better after I tried to take better care of myself, but for the last month or so, it's only been getting worse and worse. Now I'm at the point where my LO seems to not even want to breastfeed at all. When I put her to the breast, she gets frustrated. I feel like it's because she's not getting much out of them. I know pumping isn't the best indication of supply, but I couldn't even get an ounce from both breasts tonight. I've tried so many things, idk what else I can do. I drink mother's milk tea almost every day, eat oatmeal, been taking fenugreek, and drink tons of water. Is there anything else? Is there any hope for me?