Best wishes to you all.

Hi ladies,
I'm devastated to say that I suffered a miscarriage at 7 weeks. This is truly the most difficult experience I've ever had, but because I was so blindsided I feel it's important to talk about what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for my husband who has been incredible throughout the whole ordeal. I'm thankful for my midwife who cared for me, and I'm thankful for my body who knew something wasn't right. I hope and pray that no one has to go through this, but if you do, or know someone who has/is, encourage them to reach out. It took me four days to be able to talk to anyone other than my husband, mother and midwife, but reaching out has helped.
 I also want to share what I've learned medically from this experience. Although doctors say that this in no way contributed to my miscarriage, we found out that I have a rare blood type and am rh negative. This meant I needed a blood product vaccine immediately and will for every future pregnancy in order for my body not to see an rh positive baby as a foreign object. This information was all new to me and while totally manageable, added to my grief and complicated an already complicated situation. If you don't know your blood type, I encourage you to find out immediately. 
I've loved being a part of the Glow <a href="">Nurture</a> community and I cannot wait to see your bumps and births in the months to come. I wish you all the very best and look forward to finding my rainbow. 