My co-worker covertly tells me I'm a horrible person

🦖Meg🦕 • It’s time, I am ready. After several miscarriages, one ectopic & finally one pregnancy that made it to term. We have waited a few years before even thinking about it. Now We are ready! TTC for #2.
Last summer both my coworker and I found out we were pregnant about the same time. I shortly there after lost mine. Sadly, she too lost her's down the road. Now she is pregnant again. I am truly happy for her. She had been trying for nearly 10 years. However when we talked/talk about names she always makes a point to tell everyone in ear shot that the names choose in a miscarriage should stay with the miscarriage. All of it. The names, colors, nursery theme, anything and everything should be left behind. When I explain that I have set names for a boy or girl when she or he arrives she scowls at me. Oftentimes giving me or respondin in a disapproving tone. When our coworker asked what she did different she looks at me and says stuff like "Caffeine will cause you to miscary, so I cut that out..." She goes on to name food and other things. She even started looking at me when I order my drinks asking "are you sure you don't want that decaf....Hurry up and get pregnant already." Like I'm choosing to not end up pregnant. It's not just what she says it's how she says it. I'm trying to be supportive; hell, I'm going to be the one throwing her baby shower. It's hard when she reminds me at every turn how I'm doing it wrong. Her little comments pain me and anger me all the same. My husband think I'm being a bit too sensitive with all this. She thinks I'm jealous. I doing what I can with what I have.