I need some help❤️

So I got married in March and moved to another state with my husband. We've been TTC for just about 3 months now. 
I got my period in the beginning of March and then I didn't get it at all in April. I took 3 pregnancy test, all which were negative, and thinking maybe I'm just not producing enough hcg for it to register on the test I went to the doctor. They did two urine tests and a blood test which again all came out negative. The doctor ran a bunch of tests and said that there is no medical reason as to why I haven't gotten my period yet. She prescribed me Provera to induce a period. Which I did get last month because of it. 
I'm now 4-5 days late on my period again. I've taken I don't even know how many tests all different brands and still negative. So I'm wondering if I should just go to the doctor again now or if I should wait a couple weeks to go? My period has always been regular (within a couple days) and now that we're TTC it decides to be all wonky-_-