Helping my miscarriage along?

Maggie • 41 year old new first time mama. Baby Sasha was born on 10/3/2017!

I'm currently in the process of my second miscarriage. (U/S at 8 weeks last Wed showed blighted ovum, started bleeding Friday).Yesterday I was in immense pain and it seemed like everything was happening, but I didn't end up passing anything significant, and the worst of the pain ended up subsiding. With my last miscarriage, it was very obvious when it was over, based on what I passed. But maybe passing a blighted ovum doesn't look like much?

I'm still cramping today, but nowhere near what was happening yesterday.

I am wondering if there is anything natural I can do at home to help move things along? I have a follow-up on the Thursday where we will discuss any need for medication or d&c, but I'd rather not have to do either of those, and I'd rather not be useless for the whole week.