My mom is controlling

Courtney • 👨‍👩‍👧➕👶
My mom has had this issue since I can remember. A bunch of little things that just add up over time, clothing, hair, anything that has to do with our looks, to her my sister and I were not capable of taking care of ourselves. She always told us what to wear, how to get our hair cut, etc. She was livid when I asked to dye my hair darker, she asked me why I insisted on being ugly. My bedroom looked like an Eddie Bauer catalog even when I was 8. She's controlling and insists that she knows everything. It's starting to irk me especially with these pregnancy hormones. I have become very blunt toward people and I have a feeling she's next on my list.
She thinks she will have a say in naming the child because it's her grand baby, she thinks it will play tennis because she wants it to be a professional tennis player and make millions of dollars, she's acting like its her child. I don't want her attempting to raise the kid how she raised me because I did not like how I was raised. If I talk to her about it then she'll get super offended and sad and act like I'm attacking her. I can already see her thin lips quivering while she cries. 
Ever since I announced to her I was pregnant (which I did at 4.5 weeks), she has been insisting she can see/feel a bump. Last week I was with her and drank two full glasses of water in front of her in 30 min so of course my bladder expanded and made me look pregnant. She kept rubbing my belly, when I would tell her it was my full bladder she would roll her eyes and go "haha ok..." Yes, I'm 10w but right now I'm not showing. I'm bloated and that's about it. 
These issues I have with her go further than the past 2 months but I needed to vent and maybe get any advice I can. She's never treated me like an adult since I became one. Sometimes she will give me a disgusted look and ask if I've showered and brushed my teeth recently. WTF IS WRONG WITH HER?
I know she loves me and that she is excited for this first grand baby of hers. I know she could be a lot worse, and trust me she used to be so much worse. But what do I do to let her know that this is my child?