Gene mutation

So little back story-My husband and I got married October 12, 2013. Right after we got married we decided to start trying to have a baby! In March 2014, I found out that we were expecting our first child. We were both completely over the moon. I bled for 2 weeks, not heavily, but enough where it was scaring me. At the beginning of the 2 weeks I went to see my doctor and I was told that I was having a miscarriage. This continued for 2 weeks. It was absolutely heartbreaking. We decided to wait to try again for a while. In April of 2015 I found out that I was pregnant again. We hadn't been trying, but we weren't trying to avoid it, either. I made my appointment right away. I went to the doctor for an ultrasound at 8 weeks 6 days. Nothing. There was nothing there. The baby stopped developing 3 weeks prior and we had absolutely no idea. This happened at the beginning of June. It hadn't passed at all, so on June 30 I had a D and C. Fast forward to now. We have been taking about trying again but are terrified that I will have another miscarriage. Me and my gynecologist have been working together to figure out that is going on. We did a ton a blood work (22 tubes!) and today I get a phone call from the gynecologist and she said everything was fine except for one thing. My MTHFR gene was mutated and that causes problems with early pregnancy. I now have to take 81 mg of baby aspirin and 1 mg folic acid every day. They said that the mutated gene is potentially what caused both miscarriages. Is there anyone else out there who has had this experience? Have you ever been able to conceive? We want a baby so bad and hopefully with the baby aspirin and folic acid, we will be able to. I would love to know if anyone has had the same issue as me. Thanks so much!!