Possibly pregnant ?

So basically me and my boyfriend have been having sex, and we did for the first time without a condom (it was mutual, he didn't talk me into it or anything) and it was in a pool, yes I know a pool (being in water) doesn't change anything and it was fast and the first time we both did it in a pool he said he wasn't completely sure if he came in me and I wasn't sure neither. Me over thinking it all and everyone on my chest about possibly being pregant led to well I took a pregnancy test and it was negative but it was the day after it happen so it isn't going to show but I feel like I have symptoms but also they say if you over think it that you will start having them. Honestly I'm not sure what to do, I'm only 17 about to be 18 and yes my family knows but I'm sure they don't want me pregant but is it bad that I wouldn't mind. I think I just need people's opinions or thoughts. To help me with all this thinking