Should I worry??

Tay ❤️
FTM here! I'm currently 17w 4days. I've been so worried about mmc lately after learning about it. I woke up the other morning and had this feeling like I wasn't pregnant anymore. It wasn't a physical thing like loss of symptoms but rather a mental one. I'm not sure whether I'm being paranoid or not. I had a scan at 16 weeks and everything was good but now I'm so anxious for my next one at 20. This baby wasn't planned (in fact I was on bc at the time of conception) so I had no reason to think I was pregnant besides what I can only attribute to mothers instinct. Since I was right about that I'm afraid I'm right about this. I was even considering saying I had spotting or something so I could get an earlier scan. I know that sounds horrible to make up I'm just so worried I want to see my baby is okay. Does anyone else frequently fear a misscarriage even though they have no symptoms? Or am I going crazy...