Pregnant? I hope but don't think so

So can anyone help give some advice. I've been on birth control ever since I had my daughter with my husband 3 years ago and I'm usually pretty good about taking my pill but idk what happened but like a dummy I forgot to take it 3 days in a row and had sex unprotected (I'm married. It's always that way) well I still haven't gotten an actual period but I've had light spotting off and on the past week and a half. It's a brown color only saw I glimpse of pink last week. I've had mild cramping and headaches, a slight stuffy nose the past week and feel like I can't possibly get enough milk. Could I possibly be pregnant? I'm scared I'm causing myself symptoms because I keep worrying I'm pregnant but then I spot again and think if I was pregnant I wouldnt be spotting. Help?!? Thanks in advance for any tips or advice.... Ps my last actual period started may 16 and lasted 6 days