RH Neg

So i went for my 16 wk midwife app today and was suprised when she suggested listening to the heartbeat as i didnt expect this till much later on. Anyway she found it quickly and it made me so happy! Only for 5 mins later to be told my blood group is A negative, i just feel really deflated. Is anyone else RH neg? 
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Posted at
I am! This is my third baby and I got the shot every time. Once before and after I have them in the hospital. It's just a quick pinch to the hip and it's over. Haven't got the shot yet with this pregnancy . They usually wait till I'm 20weeks. I constantly remind them though just incase they forget but they don't. Lol. No worries the baby will be just fine. 👶😌


Tina • Jun 26, 2016
That's because its your first. You would get it earlier if you had another child


Shay • Jun 24, 2016
I'm not too sure. That's just how my doctor set things up. I'll update you when he gives it to me again.


Savannah • Jun 23, 2016
I'm also not getting mine until 28 weeks


Posted at
I am, never thought anything about it. It's not a big deal, just have to get the shot twice in your pregnancy. 


Posted at
Thank you all so much! Im a bit wierd i like injections so that part doesnt really fuss me, i was feeling paranoid that my blood was going to start attacking the baby! Thank you all again for your positive comments x


Jade • Jun 22, 2016
Thank you 😊


Dee • Jun 22, 2016
You should have 2 shots 1 around 28 weeks and the other 72 after delivery. Don't worry everything will be fine. I'm not RH negative but all 5 of my sisters are 😊


Posted at
Yup!  I'm AB- and hubs is AB+. Had shots twice last pregnancy, once during and once after delivery. Son is AB- too so no need to have had them but I don't mind. I'll get shots this time too. You're all good!


Posted at
I am (O-) as long as you get the rhogam shot (idk if I spelled that right) everything will be good...my ob gives the shot at 24 weeks I think, and then another one after I give birth...it's a precaution in case the baby ain't Rh-


Posted at
Im O- my husband is O+ so i have a 75% chance of having a positive baby. You get the rh shot at 28 weeks. All it does is makes you immune enough to make it so your cells dont attack the child if it has positive rh. And youll get one after the child is born.


Posted at
If u don't know ur partners blood type, u don't even know if u need the shot! I'd Have that checked first but even if he is rh positive, the shot really is no big deal 


Posted at
Mine is O-


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I am A negative as well. My doctor knows about it and says I just need to get a special injection around 28 weeks and I think again after birth. It can also be an issue if you have bleeding during the pregnancy (I think they would just give you the shot sooner) which I haven't had


Hayley • Jun 25, 2016
when we didn't know my partner was neg u had a bleed at 9 weeks and they just gave me the shot then


Posted at
RH- here but husband is O+