
Madeline • 24. Single mother. ✨
So my husband and I have been trying for a year and we just started the whole <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a> process! 
I've had all my blood work done, except Progesterone. (having that taken on the 8th of July)
My husband has already done his semen analysis and was above average across the board. I mean super sperm.  
So obviously I think there's something wrong with me. 😩
I'm having an HSG done on Thursday, and I'm super nervous about the pain. Has anyone had this procedure done? Can you tell me how it feels? 
I've also heard that after the HSG there is a spike of fertility? What are yall's thoughts on that. I know it's a stretch. Lol. 
God Bless Ya'll! Hope everyone starts seeing their BFPs soon!