
Oh gosh I feel rough. I have worst bloating and gas. Indigestion is bad. I'm exhausted,  I almost fell asleep driving yesterday. I had to pull over and nap (never had to do that). I ache all over. I ovulated on the 17th 5am. I know because I felt it.  It's way too early to feel this way right?  My four year old I was committing on week 3, so that's 7 days past ovulation. Oh wait. I'm 7 days past now. I took at test with him because we were getting travel immunization and I couldn't be prego for the Japanese Encephalitis one. It was negative, and 4 hours later still neg as I left to go get shots. Four days later I found test in bathroom and it was positive. I laughed and thought chemical reaction. Took another. It took 40 mins to become positive. Didn't believe it since it said don't read after 10 mins. So took first morning one next day and sure enough Jaxson was baking. Weird. Wonder if I test now. Seems so early. Sorry for rambling.