Daddy abandoned us

Well my husband disappeared yesterday after work without a word then texts me today saying he's fucked up in the head about shit that's been going on with family and work and what not. He still has not come home and refuses to talk. I told him if he wants to have anything to do with his children he needs to call me right now and he simply texted back don't want to talk. So I am left alone with a wild 2 yr old and an extremely colicky 5 week old who screams basically all day. Trying not to lose my shit. All I want to do is take a break from it all for a minute and curl up in a tiny little ball and cry. The only good part of today was when I went to chickfila after baby's dr appt this morning the manager gave me my food for free cause she could tell I was overwelmed with my toddler and my screaming baby. She doesn't know how much that means to me. I curled up in the booth cuddling my baby trying to ease her pain and comfort her and I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face I was so thankful for her kindness.