Issues with birth control.

I started taking errin birth control about 6 months ago cause I get migraines and they said this one was better for it. Periods have been pretty regular. But this month it's been all over the place. It June. I had a period the 1-5 but then spotted enough to were I need to keep a liner on all the way til the 15th.then from the 15-19 I had another period. and today is the 21st and I have been spotting for the last 2 days. I don't know what to do. I work at a pharmacy inside a clinic. My boss said I should wait it out and see how it is and I talked to a LVN and she said to change it. What do you think should I change bc now or give it time and if or when I change it should I get the implant in the arm or the nuvaring?