My 2 month old rolled off the couch.

I literally can not understand how I let this happen. I had just changed her, looked away for seconds while I grabbed her swaddle blanket and heard a thud; turned to see she her on the floor. I have never heard her cry so loudly. I panicked and woke up my husband and freaked him out -asking how it happened, how far did she fall- as he soothed her and checked her head. Once he heard she had fallen from the couch onto carpet he calmed down and tried to calm me, saying my panic was overwhelming our little one & that there was no need for the ER (apparently my step daughter had a far worse fall around the same age). My little calmed down, nursed, then fell asleep in my arms. I haven't been able to put her down, I've just stared at her for the past 3 hours.