So guess what I did????

So I am scheduled to go back to work July 14th. My husband and I are from California and decided to take a nearly two week vacation to Arkansas to see his dad and family. I have roughly 3 weeks of maternity leave left. Well... While here in Arkansas, I was walking with our littl girl in my arm when my foot got caught on something. I didn't want to drop her or shake  her too much so I kind of had to roll into the side of my foot. I then lost my balance and kind of fell onto the side of my foot and we heard a crack... My foot was killing me. That first night I couldn kind of hobble around on the opposite side of my foot. At first we just thought I had bruised it but when I woke up the next morning I couldn't even lift my foot without excruciating pain. I was bawling my eyes out with every step I had to take. We went to urgent care and got x Ray and guess what!?! I BROKE IT. she showed me my x rays and I nearly completely broke my 5th metatarsal in two. She said it will probably take 6 weeks to heal and I need a cast. From what I have read about that break 6 weeks may be a minimum.... Now once I get back home in a week I have to get the cast out on and figure out how to take care of a three month old by myself all day while on crutches.... Not to mention all the financial issues we will now have. I'm lucky to get more time with our daughter (I can't go back to work because it's all walking and standing all day long) but I don't want it like this. I can't even take care of her or carry her or soothe her... I'm feeling so down and so worried about taking care of her and where we will come up with the money we are going to need  for bills and health insurance.