Every pregnancy is different

Kam • ♑

So my friend was pregnant about a month or two before me. She's now giving me her birth story.

She was in the shower and was getting around to cleaning down there when she felt her opening wide and unusual. She got out and called her mom who works at the hospital but her mom told her it's normal let her just relax and wait and to call her if she sees blood or feel a gush of water indicating her water had burst. Still no pain nothing she calls her moms sister, her aunt, and told her exactly what she was experiencing and her aunt told her that's because you are dilating and that she should get dressed because she's coming to get her. When she got to the hospital she was a full 10 cm and still no pain the nurses couldn't believe it. She was prepped and ready to have her baby in the next 15 mins with just a few pushes. No tear nothing! Tell me this isn't something all pregnant ladies wish to experience.