It has finally sunk in...

Christina • Full-time mum, fan-fiction writer, Harry Potter nerd, loves to read.
I was woken up at 2:30am by my 11 month old daughter, she's usually a great sleeper but she's poorly atm, it isn't stopping her from being hyper and cute lol. It made me realise that I may as well kiss goodbye to any form of rest/sleep lol. It's like she knows that I'm going to have another baby and is totally acting up now lol. Now it's 3:30am and I'm wide awake and totally craving greasy junk food 🙊 I wish I could go back to sleep! My 6yr old will be up in 3hrs and I know that she will act up once she realises that she won't have school to go too because it's now the summer holidays...this is going to be so much fun! Lol. I need to remind myself that we planned to have another baby so soon, so I just need to suck it up! Lol