Looking for advice - dealing with in laws

H 💍👧🏼👶🏼🤰🏼
My in laws said they'd watch out LO two days a week once my husband goes back to work. They're both retired and don't have any other grand kids. My husband is a teacher so he only works 36 weeks a year. Our daughter is only 6 weeks old and they already seem like they're trying to get out of some of it ("maybe we will only do one day a week and I want every third Monday off because I get my hair cut..." You get the idea). Any advice on handling the situation?  I know they don't have to watch her. What upsets me is that they committed to it and now seem like they're backing off on what they committed to. I had family that would commit to things and then back out. It hurt my feelings growing up and I don't want that to happen to my daughter.