C section feelings

Christie • Hi Glow family! I`m a happily married lady with a son. TTC #2 I`m a festival goer and lover of music.
So I had my c section a week ago and it was planned due to baby being breech. I was so upset bc my first was a vaginal delivery and it was awesome, I had so many emotions flowing and when it finally came down to it walking through the doors of the operating room it reall freaked me out seeing all the utensils laid out. I wanted to cry then I wanted to have a melt down. I was truly having a panic attack, then the spinal block wasn't bad but freaked me out how fast it worked I was half way getting situated on the table before everyone was like lay down you need to lay down. Then waiting for everything to get started ugh! I may sound like a baby but that was a experience I don't want to go through again. Then waiting to hear baby cry, I immediately started crying. What a beautiful sound! So happy to have my baby but will not be trying for baby # 3, due to my dr saying I will have to have about her c section. My props go out to any mother who has had to have one. It's not easy!