Gender Pay Gap


So first off I want to start by saying that I realize there are many factors that contribute to these kinds of situations, experience, perceived value, and extenuating circumstances. I don't want to offend, but would like to hear real stories and advice

I work for a small (less than 10 employees) software development company. I am currently the only female in the office. My degree is in technical writing and I have been working here as the technical writer for almost 3 years. I have gotten consistent pay raises, have flexible hours, and get a hundred dollar bonus around the holidays.

Recently, we hired a new administrative assistant. He just got his GED and has no experience in this field of work. I was told I would be supervising him and helping him through the on boarding phase. I was shown the offer letter for him, I see all documents usually, and he was set up to make $5 more an hour than me?!

I sat on it a few days, and made a plan to show my employer why I deserved a raise. He was receptive to my pitch and agreed to the raise, but only for an extra $2 an hour. I didn't complain, at least it's something, but the whole situations eats at me now, especially as I have had to deal with the silly power plays from the new guy. He has changed contracts without asking me and in general been very rude.

Anyone have any insight from this point forward? Or do you have your own story that's similar? Do you believe the Gender Pay Gap is a real thing?