Due date is today

Today is my daughters due date and I can't even feel excited for it because I have so many people harassing me about who her dad is. I just want to enjoy my baby and being pregnant but so many people are giving me shit and now I have this guy demanding a DNA test at last minute when my fiancé has already decided to sign her birth certificate and give her his last name. He hasn't said anything my whole pregnancy till now. Wtf my child is not a zoo exhibit for people to wait around to see who she looks like she is my baby and I just want to love her. 
UPDATE: I would NEVER try to keep my child away from her biological dad if the other guy was to be her father. I was not raised that way. The guy has every right to question paternity I'm not asking what my rights are I'm venting to other mothers who can give me advice on how to cope with an emotional situation.