To those who think stay at home moms are lazy.

I am no mother but I am staying at home for a period of time without work. I live with my fiance, his dad, step mom, and her two jack Russell's. So far today I have cleaned our bathroom which was on the filthy side, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, cleaned our bedroom, taken the dogs out 4 times, cleaned up dog poop in the hallway twice, found 9 more dishes around the house, gathered up three trash bags of trash throughout the house, broke down several cereal and other boxes for recycling, made my fiance lunch and took it to him at work, did two loads of laundry which I still have to fold and have two more loads on the way. The kitchen counters and stove needs to be cleaned, the hallway carpet needs to be carpet scrubbed, and the bedrooms need to be vacuumed. Now some of those things are not daily deeds but I am exhausted. Imagine having to accomplish all that on top of taking care of a baby, toddler, child, two kids, etc. It's not a walk in the park and there is no time for laziness. So to the stay at home moms you do this daily I am so proud of you. And for the moms who do this and work I am proud of you too!