Both my boys stories

My first pregnancy I was 6 days early to go into labor. The day I went into labor was the day after I went into my school and got maternity leave (yr11). The day before I went into labor I was out picking blackberries with my boyfriend (at the time) and his family, they were a little way ahead of me so to catch up I jogged a little bit and then 4:30am the next morning my waters broke we got to the hospital at about 6am and had to be induced as my labor wasn't established, I had to get the epidural at about 1pm as I couldn't handle the labor pains and by 6:45pm that night I gave birt to my eldest son Zavier weighing 7lb 1oz.
My second pregnancy I was right on time. The day before I went into labor I had raspberry leaf tea and then Friday the 5th of July at 4:30pm I started getting contractions when I went to birth suite they were going to send me home till everything progressed but when they done an internal check they found I was 4cm so they moved me to a birthing room, as I was going through my contractions my midwife had to really study my facial expressions to tell when I was going through contractions, I tried having the gas but it made me feel physically sick so I didn't have it, I went through my entire labor drug free and naturally, I was in and out of the shower relaxing my body and @ 1:15am Saturday the 6th of July (my due date) my son Dante was born weighing 8lb 4oz