Trying not to be a mess (TTC after MC)

Marli • Lottie Mae norm 3-23-20. Liam Thomas🌈 born 4-7-17. Angel baby 5-4-16. Hubby & I married 11-1-14. Have two Pomeranian `babies`.
We lost our little one on May 4th. I was 11 weeks 3 days, and baby had stopped growing 8 weeks 1 day. 
We had hoped to be the lucky ones who get pregnant before AF returns. But we weren't. AF returned June 9. 
We just went through the fertile cycle. 
Tuesday there was finally a line on the fertility test. Not a positive. But stronger. 
Wendesday I had some cramping in my left ovary area. Egg white CM. high soft and open cervix. And late Wednesday a positive OPK (like midnight on Thursday actually). 
We had sex with preseed. 
Thursday. Egg white cm. cervix high medium and open. We had sex with preseed. When I room the OPK tonight it was a little lighter than before. So I think I ovulated payed Wednesday/Early Thursday.
I'm eating pineapple core and walnuts. And trying not to stress out. I want to stress out. I want to have an emotional breakdown. I want this baby so badly. 
It's so hard not to say "I should be almost halfway. Not starting this process over again." This TWW is going to be the worst...