Just gonna leave this here

I'm getting tired of people posting about vaccine shedding and how dangerous it is, so, I'm going to throw a little education out there for ya. First, shedding only happens with LIVE vaccines, therefore, it only includes : MMR, Varicella, Rotavirus, Nasal mist influenza vaccine, oral polio and small pox vaccine. Second, vaccine shedding is extremely rare (I'll explain below). 
Now, I'm gonna break down vaccine shedding one live vaccine at a time. 
1) "MMR is a live vaccine and based on research, the measles and mumps attenuated(weakened) viruses do not cause shedding. The rubella virus has been found to RARELY shed into breast milk."
2) "Varicella vaccine virus doesn’t shed unless the person develops the chicken pox (vesicular) rash after getting vaccinated. According to the CDC, there are only about 5 cases out of about 55 million(here's the extremely rare part) doses of the vaccine given, of people getting sick due to vaccine shedding."
3) "Rotavirus vaccine virus has been found to shed in the stool. Therefore, if someone taking care of a child who recently got the rotavirus vaccine has a severely weakened immune system, they should avoid diaper changing for a week or so after the child has been vaccinated."
4) "Live (nasal mist) influenza vaccine shedding is possible, but very rare. However, shedding occurs in much lower amounts than if someone were to be just sick with the actual virus. And only severely immunocompromised people need to worry about being around someone who has recently gotten a flu vaccine."
5) "True vaccine shedding really only happens with the oral polio vaccine and the smallpox vaccine, two vaccines that aren’t really used anymore (currently children get the inactivated polio vaccine shot, btw inactivated means it's not live). These viruses can be shed, however those exposed to the shed virus don’t typically get sick because the virus is in an attenuated (weakened) form. People potentially at higher risk for getting sick with these viruses would be those who have already weakened immune systems."
In conclusion, people who have been recently vaccinated should stay away from immunosuppressed persons, and immunosuppressed persons should not play with babies that have chickenpox vesicles, or in the poop of babies that recently got the rotavirus vaccine. 
Recently vaccinated children ARE NOT spreading diseases. It's still the unvaccinated. "Shedding" is another excuse used by anti vaxers ( or as I like to call them pro infectious disease) to try to make a ridiculous ideal acceptable. 
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). www.cdc.gov
  2. Iannelli, V. “Live Vaccines and Vaccine Shedding.” Vaccine Basics. 21 February 2015.
  3. Medical Advisory Committee of the Immune Deficiency Foundation. “Recommendations for live viral and bacterial vaccines in immunodeficient patients and their close contacts.” The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. April 2014. Vol. 133. Iss. 4. pp. 961–966 .
  4. 4. Lievano, F.A. “Lack of Evidence of Measles Virus Shedding in People with Inapparent Measles Virus Infections”. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2004. Vol. 189 (1). pp. 165-70.