WTF, really?!


My dear women!

I am so frustrated right now. I am exactly 9 weeks today with my rainbow! A week and a half ago I had an ultrasound where I heard a heartbeat and saw my kiddo:) the same ultrasound showed that I have 2 perigestational/subchorionic hematomas and that is why have been having quite a bit of cramping and some light brownish discharge for about 12 days now.

Two days after the US I had my 1st OB appointment. The nurse (midwife) told me that it's okay to have tge spotting and recommended pelvic rest, no workout, no heavy lifting, no long walks until this is resolved. That same day they sent out a bunch of bloodwork to check for "everything".

Well, today I finally got back the results and realized they only checked for infections and did a CBC.

Goodness, how hard would it be to have at least my progesterone lvls checked?! I am scared to death to loose this baby as well! Why is it that everyone has to wait to have MULTIPLE pregnancy losses to have a MINIMAL check up done?! It is so freaking easy to do! My face turns red every time I read posts like "I have just lost my second/third and my OB told me that next time I get a BFP we will start me on progesterone right away"!

This particular problem is pretty common and is not to hard to fix. Why then do women have to go through all the pain and suffering if smth COULD be done about it?!

I am so agry right now!

Going to pay out of pocket on Walk-in Lab online right now and get my blood drawn this afternoon to give me a peace of mind.

Sorry about the rant, just sick and tired of seeing women broken because they lose the most precious and cherished things they've had.