Needing space?

Okay so basically, me and my boyfriend have been together for almost a year now (not the longest relationship I know) but he is the love of my life and really can't live without him. I went to see him yesterday and he was a little off and just spoke to his friends all night and didn't really want to speak to me. When I came home he said he needed a bit of alone time and I asked him if I was being too clingy to which he replied 'a bit' so I said I would give him space but it's not easy. He's my best friend and I have been texting him every day and just love always having someone to talk to and obviously this has all been hard on me (he said he wasn't sure if he still loves me and didn't know if he still wanted to be with me) so it's difficult not to text him and call him all the time because I'm feeling down and need him more than ever. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do or has this ever happened to anyone else? Is this the end or is he just having a little wobble (he has had a lot going on recently) thanks everyone xx