Need advice/experience for induction

Okay so I'm 39 weeks today and they wanna induce me but I'm really scared so I'm having them call me Monday and going from there. I have high blood pressure and have had it pre-pregnancy but controlled with meds. I developed gestational diabetes and am diet controlled. I have spd pelvic pain/separation thing and a chorioangioma on placenta that hasn't caused any issues as of yet. My placenta does have some calcification and is grade 3 but being where I'm at makes sense at this point. Also I'm very overweight. I had a preventative cerclage placed at 13 weeks and taken out at 36. I know I shouldn't be picky or whatever I just really was hoping to go into labor on my own. My cervix has been at 1 cm dilated for 3 weeks and last week was only 35-40% effaced. Has anyone had luck with a Foley bulb bringing on labor or do you have to use drugs and them break your water? I really want to avoid a c-section if at all possible and just don't know what's best at this point and looking for anyone who can say your experiences or what you feel you'd do in my situation. Sorry so long. I'm just super scared about being induced.