Listen to your body!!

Amanda • I am married to my best friend! I am the mom of 2 beautiful boys, 13 and 2 years. Pregnant with #3, a sweet baby GIRL!
I just wanted to post to encourage all of you to listen to your bodies.
If you feel something is not normal after delivering, get checked or at least call with your concerns to see what the nurse or physician recommends. 
I am 4 weeks post delivery and I've still been having cramping and bleeding. 
At first, I played it off to breast feeding for the cramping and thought maybe I was just having my period back earlier than normal for the bleeding.  
As it continued, I decided to have myself checked. I went in to the doctor yesterday and it was determined via vaginal ultrasound that I still had quite a bit of retained placenta in my uterus and went in to surgery this morning for a hysteroscopy and D&C. 
If I had not found this, I was at risk for a postpartum infection. 
This is not to scare or make anyone worry, only to encourage you. If you do not feel normal, or your "gut" tells you something just isn't right, please just get checked! 
To all of my fellow postpartum mommies..I hope you are all enjoying mommyhood and those beautiful babies of yours!! 
I know I am! 💗 God is so good!!