My baby hates me!

I swear im depressed and not attached to my daughter, everytine her dad comes home he talks to her n she starts gettin a big ol smile on her face (shes one month) but when im with her alone she doesn't smile maybe once or twice but not really, she just stares blankly into my face/eyes... I feel like shes not happy w me, n i cant blame her i feel like she knows i didnt want her wen i found out i was prego, i was thinkin bout abortion but i dnt believe in it, so I didn't. So i was going to pik adoption but i didnt due to the dad, (wouldnt let me&&woulf hate me) so i said to my self okay ill luv her w time but i think i got postpartum depression cuz i feel all down n not happy n not attached to her. Wat can i do!? Im startin to worry that my bf is going to notice that me n da baby aren't attached and that he will try n take her away from me completely, i wanna raise her n luv her but i just need to get out of this rut that im in