Rant big friggen rant

Teri-lyn • 27 engaged mommy to lincoln 05.11.2016
So back in Febuary  me and my boyfriend found out we are expecting .  We are 20 and 18 we made the adult deasion to start looking for our own place . As we didn't want his family having to worry about caring for another mouth to feed . So on March 1st we moved in to our appartment my boyfriend begged that we let his friend live with us and in the being I told his friend  you are to pay rent and provide your own food he has been living with us. For 6 months on the 1st of July. He dosnt do dishes dosnt provide his own food brings. Different women to my house at all hours of the night. Including to night at 3:30 am  I am 22 weeks and 5 days pregnant  and I value my sleep Iam beond pissed off he is drunk . We own a small dog. She is an emotional support animal and also. My little gaurd  dog  went to let my dog out and I find. Our room mate standing in my  living room window with these two random. Chicks and smoking my appartment is. None smoking apartment I am honestly at my wits end this isn't the first time he has done this I wouldn't mind if he would have let me know. People were gunna be here after 10:30 at night. Not to mention he dosnt. Pay for his laundry. Soap dosnt pay for his own food  dosnt do dishes and I am sick and tired. Of it we are moving at the end of July thank. God cause I cannot stand this human . One friggen bit