Sperm Questions Answered

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼
Hello my lovelys I've seen a lot of posts about sperm getting through clothing or being on a bed. So here's some answers to some questions you may have; 
How long do sperm live? 
Inside a woman's body, depending on the conditions, sperm can live for 5-7 days. So bear in mind you can get pregnant if you have unprotected sex before a woman ovulates.
How long can sperm live outside the body? 
This depends on the environment. On a dry surface, like bedclothes or clothing, sperm die before the semen is dry. Sperm can live longer in a warm environment like a bath or hot tub as they thrive in wet environments. However the chance of getting pregnant this way are very low. 
Feel free to ask any questions! X