11dp5dt - beta & HPT

Angela • 💍 Married 10-11-12! 👫TTC since 11/2013. 💉 IVF #1: 6/2016, miscarried 7/2016. 💉 IVF #2: 8/2017, miscarried 10/2017. 🌈 FET #1: 4/2018, Rowan Amelia born 12/16/18
On 6/23 I took my first beta test. It came back showing my hcg level was 15 ... A low positive! But still a positive. I was told nothing under 25 usually shows on a HPT so I waited until today ... Hoping to see a faint line, possibly proving my hcg is going up. I took 2nd beta today, but being a Sat the lab didn't fax it in time, so I hope to hear tomorrow from my nurse. But HPT below.... I see a faint line, so my hcg must be going up! Will retest in a couple days!! 
Btw this was our first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> with ICSI cycle at Walter Reed!