PREFOLDS on the go?

I'm 16 days away from my scheduled c section date. Dad just took me out for a few last things we needed for baby one being our diaper bag. I got home and started packing it because I was so excited! I'm not planning on using cloth till we get home but wanted to see how I would pack with prefolds. I have some pocket style but my newborn sizes are just covers. I have 6 prefolds folded as small as I could get them in the bag along with everything else and it's already full but has room left for bottles if and when I use them. How many prefolds do you take with you when going out even just for the evening or something let's say a family party. Would 6 not be enough should I bring another tote style bag for my prefolds I was planing on using something like that for day trips and over nights. One last question was I have a diaper ginnie could I buy the refills and use that for a cloth pail at home or should I just use a trash can and trash bag? I didnt want to buy a XLG wet bag for home if I could just use what I have. Thank you cloth mommies and dad's.