Naked around baby boy = bad parenting


Or so my mother seems to think.

I was talking to her about how I'd like to take a milk bath for my maternity shoot and she jumped on that idea. Like a lion jumping on a gazelle.

"What's a milk bath?"

"You want your kid to see you naked?"

"Do you want me to find pictures of me naked when I was pregnant with you?"

"Why would you want that?"

She barely let me get a word in that I wouldn't be completely naked. I don't want to be. Though I also don't see it being a bad thing. My twin sister and I used to shower with her as kids. She still gets naked to change in front of us even with our dad in the room too.

Though since I'm having a boy, naked mom is bad. I have actually thought about taking baths with my son and not hiding my body away from him. I've grown up with a very bad body image of myself and I don't want any of my children to have to feel uncomfortable and ugly in their skin.

I've read some articles where some children with parents (both parents) who bathe/shower with them and get changed in front of them grow up to be more comfortable in their own skin. Especially making sure that they understand boundaries, don't show an unhealthy interest in their parents' private parts, and see it as a natural thing and not a sexual one.

It's not like I'm still going to be showering with my 12-year-old son or have my boobs hanging out when he's 16. I just want him to know that the body, male and female, is natural and, unless it's in a sexual setting, the naked body itself isn't sexual.

What do you mamas think?