47 days left but ...

Everything is a mess. my marriage , my life , everything. I want to leave him so badly so I can not worry about what he does behind my back. But I also can't lie that I love him. And that he is the father of my first baby. I don't wanna just sit here and act like everything is fine when I'm getting played and I know it. 
It's just killing me , I try not to act like it's bothering me but I can't help but always think that the man I ma married to, the man I love, and the man I'm having a baby with is using social media as a way of cheating on me. I'm not like those girls who show off their breasts and asses , on social media maybe that's all he needs . He needs to talk to, flirt with, bitches that would not mind showing their bodies to a stranger behind a phone. He calls me baby and my love and this and that but I hate it coming from his mouth because I know I'm not the only one he calls tht. I'm such a wreck and I just don't know how to deal with my feelings anymore . For gods sake , you have a baby coming in less then 2 months and your just fucking around . I feel like dying or going back on meds for depression or something . 2 years ago I stopped harming myself, trying to kill myself, smoking , drinking just to have a better life . I didn't change and get strong to have a marriage like this.