Started crying..

Today my husband and I were in the car driving and talking. He started talking about his best friend. He and his wife just got married in April. My husband started telling me that they would probably start trying here pretty soon and they would probably get pregnant right away. "He is always lucky like that!" He said and started laughing. I immediately started crying. I had a miscarriage back at the end of March and I still struggle some days. I know I would be so happy for them if they did but it hurts to hear of others having luck when I'm dealing with this loss. Some days I am fine but other days I really have a hard time. The weird thing was that I was happy and everything was fine. Next second he caught me so off guard and I started balling. 2 minutes later I was fine. But it still hurts and especially when a comment or something catches me off guard. I feel so lonely in this because I feel like I did something wrong. I know I didn't. I know it couldn't have been helped but it just hurts.