WTF damn bitch!

C&G <3 • Whelp we are a comfy family of 4

So my husband was going through old facebook messages. He didn't know in some cases you have to approve messages. He found one from 2015 that PISSED me off to no end... I've attached an image of it (no screen shot i won't get on my husbands fb since i trust him) and its a little hard to read so i am going to also write it out in the comments.

The past year and a half has been a dream pretty much from marriage to having our baby boy its been WONDERFUL. And after the birth of our son we have both felt so fucking close. Nothing brings you together like the horror....oops sorry beauty of child birth...joking. but seriously we have been so damn happy. The week and a half he was home to help with our LO was a dream and we cooked together cleaned together just bonded as parents and a team.

I am in the military and was on field training when this bitch sent this message. Now i get it people get insecure your man is working and sleeping in the field with some woman whatever BUT FUCKING KNOW facts before running your damn mouth.

Our happy bubble was burst this week when my husband read this twat waffles message. And i became pissed when my dear husband actually asked me "is it true"... fucking really. So here it goes!